To create a new order log into your back office and click on products > orders and GRV’s in the main menu. You are presented with a list of existing stock takes.
Click ‘New order‘ to create a new order. You are presented with the order process screen.
Click on ‘search‘ and select the supplier you want to order from. Learn more about creating suppliers here.
Reference – Add a reference number to the order.
Order number – Add an order number to the order.
Note – When creating a product you can link a supplier to a product. If you click on ‘Search supplier products’ it will only search the products linked to the selected supplier. ‘Search all products’ will ignore the selected supplier and search all products.
Click on one of the search products and select the products you wish to order.
Enter the quantity you wish to order in the ORDERED column. Once all items on order have been completed click on print order and send your supplier the order sheet.
Once your supplier confirms your order you can click on ‘Convert to GRV’ to confirm the order.
Note – You can change your cost price and purchase VAT in the order and GRV screen and will automatically adjust the pricing when the GRV is processed.
If you are happy with the details on the GRV click on ‘Process GRV‘.