Configuring departments

Departments are used to catagorize your products.

To create a department log into your back office and click on products > departments in the main menu. You are presented with a list of existing departments. 

There are 3 levels of departments, Major, sub1, and sub 2. You have to option to categorize your products into 3 levels.

To create a major department click on create major department. In the popup screen complete the major department description and click save.

To create a sub 1 department click on create sub 1 department. In the pop-up screen select the major department that you would like to link your sub 1 department to, in the description field enter the sub 1 department description and click on save.

To create a sub 2 department click on create sub 2 department. In the pop-up screen select the major department and sub 1 department you would like to link your sub 1 department to, in the description field enter the sub 1 department description and click on save.

Note – to assign a picture to a department use the edit department icon (pencil).